“River Ice above and Below the City Has Passed”: Development of Waterways in the Neva Region at the Beginning of the Great Northern War
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“River Ice above and Below the City Has Passed”: Development of Waterways in the Neva Region at the Beginning of the Great Northern War
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Tatiana Bazarova 
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg Institute of History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

The paper is devoted to the problems of obtaining, the “mechanism” for transferring, generalizing and using knowledge about the natural and climatic features of the lands conquered from Sweden during the Great Northern War (1700—1721) and became part of the Ingermanland province. The beginning of the development of waterways in the Neva region is associated with military actions, when the Russian command needed to organize the transportation of people and cargo. The main information about waterways came from local residents — landowners, traders and peasants. Shipyards were founded on the rivers flowing into Lake Ladoga, where the first ships of the Baltic Fleet were built. The development of waterways included not only measuring river depths, clarifying fairways, but also observing the weather. Analysis of reports from Shlisselburg commandant Poroshin to Menshikov allowed to establish that his duties included ensuring the safe passage of ships past the fortress, as well as immediately informing the governor and the St Petersburg chief commandant about changes in weather conditions on Lake Ladoga. During the Great Northern War, topographical study of the Neva region was carried out simultaneously with its economic development. By the end of the reign of Peter I, the Neva turned into the main transport artery of St Petersburg, and a system to inform the city residents about the time of opening and freezing of the river was established.

Peter I, St Petersburg, Neva region, Ingria, transport routes, the Great Northern War
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