Ars Navigandi: the Forms for Producing and Passing on Knowledge among Sailors (on Materials of Latin Romania in the 14th — 15th Centuries)
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Ars Navigandi: the Forms for Producing and Passing on Knowledge among Sailors (on Materials of Latin Romania in the 14th — 15th Centuries)
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Aleksander Emanov 
Affiliation: University of Tyumen
Address: Russian Federation, Tyumen

The Author analyzes the Byzantine Periplus, Latin and Old Italian Pilots, Compass Charts and Atlases of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, Notes by Connoisseurs of Navigation Skills, so-called “zibaldone” and “taccuino” from the 14th — 15th Centuries, reconstructs the Forms for producing on new Knowledge in Science of Navigation, which has so seen explosive growth, and for learning in the Seafaring Art. The main Form of both was the living immediate Practice for Shipping. Every Ship went in the Mediterranean in the 14th — 15th Centuries had often been a Research Laboratory and School at the same Time, where on the one Hand constantly replenished, reviewed and corrected the Knowledge about Conditions on Sea, and on other Hand practiced Skills of successful Navigation Management in an iterative Process.

Periplus, Portulan, Compass Chart, Zibaldone, Taccuino, Latin Romania, 14th — 15th Centuries, Ship as a Research Laboratory, Ship as a Navigation School
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The Research is Part of the Project, funded by the Russian Science Foundation (grant RSF No. 23-28-01592).
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