Expert Economic Knowledge and Practices in Early Modern Russia
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Expert Economic Knowledge and Practices in Early Modern Russia
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Margarita Dadykina 
Affiliation: Higher School of Economics
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The Russian economy in the early modern times experienced the formation of new forms of economic activity, including monasteries becoming important “players” that concentrated significant economic resources in their hands, and the most actively developing region included in trade operations with local and foreign merchants — Russian North. A new type of economy required a new model and tools for managing it: accounting and control over resources, timely access to up-to-date information, skills in complex logistics, and communication. Using the example of monastic documentation, the article examines the problem of the formation and use of expert knowledge, primarily in the field of managing early forms of production and the financial sector.

expert knowledge, early modern times, management, monastery, early industry, economics
Источник финансирования
Russian Science Foundation project No. 23-28-01716 “Salt market of the Russian North in the 17th century: open database”.
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