Abbé de Véri: Well-intentioned Chronicler and Critic of the French Monarchy at the End of the Old Regime
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Abbé de Véri: Well-intentioned Chronicler and Critic of the French Monarchy at the End of the Old Regime
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Ludmila Pimenova 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is based on the diary of abbot J.-A. de Véri, who during the reign of Louis XVI was close to government circles and therefore well informed about what was happening at court. His diary is often used by historians as a source for studying the internal politics of France at the end of the Old Regime. The article focuses on the personality of the author of the diary and on his participation in the work of the provincial assembly of Berry, created on the initiative of the Director General of Finance, J. Necker. The experience of direct participation in the political life of the province gave the abbot food for thought about the possible direction of reform of the French monarchy. Véri in his diary appears as a model of the “normal exception” as one of the representatives of the enlightened French elite of the 18th century with exceptional experience of acquaintance with different levels of the state system of the monarchy, from the royal court to the provincial assembly, who realized in the diary the need to critically comprehend what is happening and share the results of his observations.

abbot de Véri, criticism of the Old Regime, diary as a source, French monarchy, provincial assemblies
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