Ottoman Siege of Constantinople in 1394—1402: Its Economic Aspect
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Ottoman Siege of Constantinople in 1394—1402: Its Economic Aspect
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Tatiana Kushch 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The longest in the history of the Byzantine capital was the Ottoman siege of 1394—1402. By blocking the city from land and sea, Sultan Bayezid I did not attempt to storm it as he decided to break the Constantinople people down by starvation. This article discusses the economic situation in besieged Constantinople. The main problem facing the townspeople during the siege was the lack of food, primarily grain. The consequence was hunger. The given article has analysed the causes and conditions of the food disaster, as well as its consequences; the government’s and individuals’ attempts to provide the city with essential goods have been examined. The shortage of bread and other goods of daily demand led to spike in prices, ruined merchants and craftsmen in the field, raised market speculation, starvation, and large-scale flight of the population from the besieged city.

Late Byzantium, Ottoman conquest of Byzantium, 1394—1402 siege of Constantinople, Manuel II Palaiologos, Bayezid I, economy of the besieged city, starvation, grain supplies
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