Preparing for Death: “Bone fin” through the Eyes of a Crusader. Philip of Novara and His “Four Ages of Man”
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Preparing for Death: “Bone fin” through the Eyes of a Crusader. Philip of Novara and His “Four Ages of Man”
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Luchitskaya Svetlana 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is dedicated to the analysis of a moral and didactic treatise authored by the renowned 13th century writer and crusader, Philip of Novara. Penned in the genre of aetates hominis, this work offers insights into the perceptions of old age and death prevalent among medieval aristocrats. The article attempts to analyze Philip's ideas about “bone fin” — a good end to life’s journey. To achieve this, the author of the article endeavors to address the following inquiries: How, in the perspective of the crusader, could an individual best prepare for old age? What moral principles should guide the conduct of the old people, and which behavioral paradigms should they emulate? As the conducted research shows, although old age is predominantly perceived by the medieval writer in moral-religious terms as a period necessitating care for the soul's salvation, Philip of Novara’s reasoning on this topic is permeated with chivalric themes.

Philip of Novara, treatise “The Four Ages of Man”, perception of old age and death in the Middle Ages
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