The Soviet Public Prosecution in the 1920s. Traditions and Innovations
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The Soviet Public Prosecution in the 1920s. Traditions and Innovations
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Nikolay Fedoseenkov 
Affiliation: Nauka Publishers
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The public prosecution formation in the RSFSR in 1922 was an attempt by the Soviet state to move from the priority of revolutionary expediency to the supremacy of law. 200 years before that, the public prosecution appeared in Russia, also after wars and far-reaching reforms, as a body which became necessary in post-reform Russia. Comparing the missions that the state faced in different epochs and the methods of their executions, the author proves that many traditions and methods of public prosecution, established in 1722 by Emperor Peter I, were actualized after the revolution and the civil war, when the judicial system centralization and a more serious attitude to the legal personnel education were required. In both epochs, during the public prosecution starting period, the bribery control among bureaucrats was the most important. From the very first days of its existence, the Soviet public prosecution began to adjust the legislation in the direction of tightening sanctions against bribe takers. Equating bribery with counterrevolution is comparable to treating corrupt officials as state traitors. Soviet Russia leadership unwittingly took advantage of Peter the Great experience, which was useful in the years of the Soviet statehood formation.

Public prosecution in the RSFSR, V.I. Lenin, N.V. Krylenko, D.I. Kursky, Peter I, legal system, state, justice, corruption, law, expediency
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