The “Jewish Lobby” in the Assessments of the US Periodical Press 1917—1948
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The “Jewish Lobby” in the Assessments of the US Periodical Press 1917—1948
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Sergey Buranok 
Affiliation: Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education
Address: Russian Federation, Samara
Yaroslav Levin
Affiliation: Samara State Technical University
Address: Russian Federation, Samara

The study examines the process of assessing the activities of the “Jewish lobby” in US newspapers. The American press started paying more attention to the actions of the American Zionist Organization in 1917. A study of US newspapers revealed that assessments of the Jewish lobby went through three stages. First stage 1917—1922 characterized by the appearance of articles and notes on the activities of the American Zionist Organization and its most influential leaders. Second stage 1922—1945 is associated with a shift in the focus of the US periodical press in the activities of the “Jewish lobby” to global internal and external events. The third stage, 1945—1948: a sharp increase in the activity of the US press in covering the “Palestinian question”.

Jewish lobby, US periodicals, information discourse, Palestine, Middle East, Zionists
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