Performance Issues of Regional Organizations in Central Asia
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Performance Issues of Regional Organizations in Central Asia
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Cholpon Koichumanova 
Affiliation: National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic
Address: Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek

Throughout the entire period of independence in Central Asia, attempts have been made repeatedly to implement integration projects in a variety of areas, including the economy. These initiatives include the Central Asian Economic Community (CAEC), the Central Asian Union (CAU), Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC), and the Customs Union. In the field of politics and security, such integration associations as the Collective Security Treaty (CSTO), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), and the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) were created. However, with the exception of the SCO, all other integration associations have not achieved much success. For the most part, they became a declaration of the intentions and aspirations of the initiators, which did not receive proper practical implementation. Over the course of three decades of development of post-Soviet Central Asia, the search for a model of integration unification on an economic basis has been an important element of the development strategy of the countries of the region and determining their place on the economic and political map of the world. However, multilateral economic interaction within the framework of the first integration projects in Central Asia was not widely developed and attempts to create a single economic space failed. At the moment, the countries of the region have not even overcome the first stage of the formation of economic integration.

Central Asia, Russia, regional organizations, integration, strategic partners, economic cooperation, political stability
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