Enmity and Hatred in Piedmont: the Peasant Uprisings of 1799 Viewed by Contemporaries
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Enmity and Hatred in Piedmont: the Peasant Uprisings of 1799 Viewed by Contemporaries
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Andrey Mitrofanov 
State Academic University for the Humanities
Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

One of the important consequences of the French occupation of Piedmont was the peasant and urban uprisings that began in December 1798 and continued intermittently until 1801. This topic has been extensively researched by historians because it is closely connected with the history of the «republican triennium» of 1796—1799 in Italy, with the question of the formation and fall of the republican regime on the territory of Piedmont and with the history of the Italian campaign of the Russian-Austrian army under the command of Suvorov. The author of the article proposes to follow the course of the uprisings in Acqui, Strevi, Carmagnola, Mondovi. The main sources for this article: G. Cerise's report to the provisional government, fragments of the Chronicle of Acqui by G. Chiabrera, G. Maranda's pamphlet “A picture of Piedmont under the rule of kings with a brief review of the Waldensians and a note on the Barbets”, and F. Bongioanni's “Memoirs of a Jacobin”. The purpose of this small study is to clarify the known picture of events and to analyze the attitude of the authors of these sources to the peasantry, which became the main force in this popular war against the French and the Republicans. According to the author of the article, eyewitnesses of the uprisings deny the peasantry the right to be considered an independent force with its own traditions and expectations, see in the peasantry a threat to order and private property, an obedient tool in the hands of royalists — the nobility and clergy, which skillfully used them. It is characteristic that these sources do not touch upon the struggle of the Piedmontese peasantry with large land tenants and seignorial privileges, which was very acute in the late 1790s. The authors under consideration almost do not touch upon the social and economic causes of the uprisings, but emphasize the importance of the religious factor. At the same time the uprisings of 1799 cannot always be considered only and exclusively peasant uprisings: urban and rural uprisings occurred more often than not synchronously. The brutal suppression of the uprisings did not help to save the republican regime in Piedmont, but these bloody episodes remained in the national memory for a long time.

Kingdom of Sardinia, Piedmont, French occupation, peasants, Insorgenza, rebellion, insurgency, uprisings
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The study is sponsored by the Russian Science Foundation, project № 23-18-00011 “Popular Anti-Revolution in Mediterranean 1792—1814”.
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