The Indomitable Adventurer: Gustave de Damas and the Partisans of Southeastern France in 1814
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The Indomitable Adventurer: Gustave de Damas and the Partisans of Southeastern France in 1814
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Andrey Gladyshev 
State Academic University for the Humanities
Chernyshevsky Saratov National Research State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

Napoleon, who hoped in 1814 to rouse the people of France to war against the troops of the Sixth Anti-French Coalition, wanted a partisan movement to be organized in all border regions. Gustave de Damas, a 26-year-old officer from the province of Forez, was sent on this mission to the South-East of France. The departments of Rhone, Loire, Aisne and Saone-et-Loire became his area of responsibility. Both the military and civilian authorities of the region have informed the population of their support for Damas' efforts. It was planned to recruit from 500 to 600 volunteers. Compared to National guardsmen, the members of this detachment should have had an advantage: joining it promised double benefits — both a soldier's salary and a share of the loot from the looted wagons of the Allies. The history of the Damas detachment is very mythologized: some authors believed that it existed only on paper, others that it numbered several thousand fighters. In fact, despite all Damas' fervent proclamations, on February 11 he joined the campaign with only 112 people under his command. Moreover, it was the only partisan detachment under Marshal Augereau's army. The military component of the actions of the Damas' partisans is vague and looks frankly insignificant. A hundred combatants posed no real danger to the coalition army. The Allies, indeed, feared a general peasant uprising, and they were much more impressed not by the attacks of a handful of partisans, but by spontaneous actions of peasants or townspeople, whose leaders' surnames no one knew, but for which responsibility was assigned to the “commander of all partisans of the 19th military district” — Damas'. Nevertheless, even these enough scattered acts of “resistance” did not remotely resemble the truly massive popular movement against the French occupation that had previously taken place in several European countries.

military historical anthropology, Napoleonic Wars, partisans, France, Gustave de Damas
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The study is sponsored by the Russian Science Foundation, project № 23-18-00011 “Popular Anti-Revolution in Mediterranean 1792—1814”.
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