“Turkestan Native Newspaper” as a Tool for Promoting the Cotton Policy of the Russian Empire in Turkestan
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“Turkestan Native Newspaper” as a Tool for Promoting the Cotton Policy of the Russian Empire in Turkestan
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Tatiana Kotyukova 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

Russia has always been a unique meeting place between West and East. One of the places where this meeting of civilizations and cultures can be witnessed in its classical form was Russian Turkestan. The interest was mutual and the learning process was almost synchronous. Periodicals were an important part of the process of establishing intercultural communications. However, the Muslims of Turkestan experienced a serious lack of information in accessible language and in an understandable form: about the Russian Empire itself, into which they were trying to integrate them; about neighboring countries, about the countries of the East, Europe, America; about the achievements of world science and technology; on the development of agriculture and agronomic science. The latter was especially important, since from the late 1870s. Both central and regional authorities began to pay special attention to the development of cotton growing, trying to solve the problem of dependence of the Russian textile industry and the economy as a whole on cotton imports. In the 1880s, under Governor-General N. O. Rosenbach, the Turkestan Native Newspaper became a tool to promote the just-beginning imperial modernization economic project in Turkestan, in which cotton was given a central place.

“Turkestan native newspaper”, American cotton, periodical press, Turkestan, Russian Empire, N. P. Ostroumov, General N. O. Rosenbakh, A. I. Wilkins
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