The Church of England in the 16th and 17th Centuries: Liturgy, Identity, Loyalty
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The Church of England in the 16th and 17th Centuries: Liturgy, Identity, Loyalty
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Ivan Fadeyev 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The purpose of this article is to examine Tudor and early Stuart religious policy through the lens of liturgical reforms and to demonstrate the role of liturgy as an instrument of confessional identity and thus of political-religious allegiance in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century reformation England. The source base of the study comprises the liturgical texts from the 1549, 1552, and 1559 editions of the Book of Common Prayer, as well as theological and polemical treatises of the time. The author concludes that the liturgy was a central tool in the process of confessional identification, being at the same time the clearest indicator of the content of the political-religious programme pursued by the English monarchs during the period in question. He notes the characteristic tendency of each programme to maintain a varying degree of continuity with the one that preceded it. The author demonstrates how by the time of the Interregnum a specific “Anglican” identity-loyalty was taking shape, where the three main elements were loyalty to the Book of Common Prayer, the Crown and the Episcopal polity. The trials of the Cromwellian persecution era showed its resilience, which was an important element in the Restoration process in 1662.

England, Church of England, Anglicanism, liturgy, loyalty, Book of Common Prayer, liturgical reform, religious politics, Tudors, early Stuarts, continuity
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