The Muslim Elite of the South Caucasus in the First Half — Middle 19th Century: Between the Tsar, Shah and Sultan
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The Muslim Elite of the South Caucasus in the First Half — Middle 19th Century: Between the Tsar, Shah and Sultan
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Amiran Urushadze 
Affiliation: European University at Saint Petersburg
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

The article is devoted to the study of the “Muslim world” of the South Caucasus in the context of the confrontation between the Russian Empire and two great Islamic powers — the Ottoman Empire and Persia. The imperial administration confirmed the political rights of the Transcaucasian “feudal” rulers, but the actions of General Ermolov led to the liquidation of the khanates and the introduction of direct Russian rule. The process of determining the rights of the Muslim nobility dragged on and this caused discontent among the beks and agalars, many of whom held important positions in the Russian regional administration. In relation to the Muslim clergy, the basis of the imperial strategy was the classic principle of “divide and conquer”. Imperial administrators sought to control the Muslim clergy by managing conflicts within them. The introduction of administrative control was masked by the preservation of the external autonomy of Muslim communities and the demonstrative refusal of the crown authorities from restrictive policies. The article analyzes the search for authoritative and loyal spiritual leaders undertaken by the regional imperial administration. In the first half of the 19th century. The Russian administration made several attempts to develop formal rules for governing the Muslim clergy, but all projects were considered unsuccessful. The sources of the work were both archival documents introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, and already published historical evidence.

Russian Empire, Caucasus, Islam, Orientalism
Источник финансирования
The research was funded by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation, Project No. № 23-18-00520,
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