“These Lands Have Everything We Need”: on the Role of the Soviet Factor in British Policy in Africa (1945—1951)
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“These Lands Have Everything We Need”: on the Role of the Soviet Factor in British Policy in Africa (1945—1951)
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Dmitry Portnyagin 
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
Maria Portnygina
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

After the end of World War II, British political and military circles viewed the African colonies as a vital source of raw materials for rebuilding the British economy. During the Cold War, territories in Africa, as well as the local workforce, acquired strategic importance. Recognizing the fact that there were only a small number of actual communist parties in Africa in the early post-war years, British political and military leaders believed that in the foreseeable future their influence could increase significantly. In addition, they were confident that the USSR would be active in the colonies and exploit racial and nationalist problems through the communist parties. Therefore, British politicians and diplomats considered it necessary to act proactively. Plans to combat communist influence in various fields were developed and began to be implemented: economics and social sphere, security, propaganda, finance.

The British Empire, British foreign and colonial policy, the Labour government of C. Attlee, the USSR and the national liberation movement in Africa
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7. House of Commons Debates. 19 November 1948. Vol. 458. Col. 750.

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