Philipp Heinrich Dilthey (1723—1781), First Professor at the Faculty of Law of Moscow University
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Philipp Heinrich Dilthey (1723—1781), First Professor at the Faculty of Law of Moscow University
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Vladimir Tomsinov 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is based on documentary material and is devoted to the life and scientific activities of the first professor at the Faculty of Law of Moscow University, Ph. H. Dilthey. The Moscow University establishment project, approved by Empress Elizabeth Petrovna on January 12, 1755, provided for a plan for teaching sciences for all three faculties, including faculty of law. But it is obvious that the practical implementation of this plan depended on the teachers who had to be found and recruited to work at Moscow University. An appeal to Dilthey's personality, to his life and scientific work allows us to understand how Moscow University was actually created, its law faculty was formed and the university system of teaching law in Russia operated in practice. Using Dilthey's example, the article shows that the freedoms granted to Moscow University by the Project for its establishment and which formed the basis of the university autonomy were actually respected, teachers had appropriate legal guarantees (for example, against arbitrary dismissal), as well as all the necessary material conditions for teaching and scientific activities. Moscow University really acted from the very beginning not only as an educational institution, but also as an enlightenment center, and Dilthey conducted active enlightenment work. Dilthey’s example shows that the program of teaching law prescribed by the Moscow University establishment project has been seriously adjusted in practice. Instead of three professors provided for by it, one Dilthey taught law. And already in the 60s of the XVIII century, Moscow University began to develop drafts of the university charter and new plans for teaching law. The article corrects a number of errors in the presentation of Ph. H. Dilthey’s biography, which were made by his biographers. For example, it is usually claimed that Dilthey defended his doctoral thesis at the University of Vienna (other authors call the University of Strasbourg the place of defense) and that he was a professor at the University of Vienna. In fact, Dilthey defended not a doctoral dissertation, but a dissertation for the highest academic degree in both rights (iuris utriusque pro suprema laurea), and not at the University of Vienna, but at the University of Innsbruck. He was awarded his doctorate not for the text of this paper (only 32 pages in length), but according to the results of a discussion about the theses put forward by Dilthey and according to the results of a special examination for a doctoral degree. Based on the consideration of many documents and facts of teaching and scientific activities of the foreign teacher, the author of the article comes to the conclusion that Ph. H. Dilthey fully corresponded to the nature and mission of Moscow University.

Russian Empire, 18th century, Imperial Moscow University, faculty of law, Russian jurisprudence, Ph. H. Dilthey
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