The Georgian Prince Alexander Iraklievich and the Russian-Iranian Confrontation in the Caucasus at the Beginning of the 19th Century
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The Georgian Prince Alexander Iraklievich and the Russian-Iranian Confrontation in the Caucasus at the Beginning of the 19th Century
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Jamal Rakhaev 
Affiliation: Institute of Russian History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article examines the military and political activity of the Georgian prince Alexander Iraklievich (1770—1844) in Georgia and the North Caucasus, the ultimate goal of which was the idea of restoring the independence of the Kartli-Kakheti kingdom. In this struggle, the tsarevich relied on the internal Georgian opposition, the rulers of Dagestan and Kabarda, but mainly on the support of the Iranian ruler Fecht Ali Shah. The deportation of members of the Bagration royal family to Russia and the defeat of Tsarevich Alexander's Dagestani allies in the early 19th century sealed the fate of the resistance of the Georgian aristocracy. The issue of Georgia’s independence was finally resolved during the Russian-Iranian War of 1804—1813. As the terms of the Gulistan Treaty of 1813 were made public, the image of the Shah of Iran as a powerful eastern ruler finally fades into the shadows in the political worldview of the Georgian elite and the rulers of the North Caucasus. Tsarevich Alexander Iraklievich also plunged into political oblivion.

Georgia, Emperor Paul I, Emperor Alexander I, prince Alexander Iraklievich, prince Teimuraz Georgievich, Qajar Iran, Feth Ali Shah, Dagestan, Kabarda, Treaty of St. George 1813
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