Federalism as a Temptation and a Test: from Ambitious Projects to the Logic of Compromise (to the 100th Anniversary of the National-territorial Demarcation of Central Asia)
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Federalism as a Temptation and a Test: from Ambitious Projects to the Logic of Compromise (to the 100th Anniversary of the National-territorial Demarcation of Central Asia)
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Dina Amanzholova 
Affiliation: Institute of Russian History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article examines the evolution of federalist projects in the early Soviet period on the example of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Having been born as an alternative to the monarchical structure of Russia, the initiatives of the ethnopolitical elites after the establishment of Soviet power were considered in the context of the general tasks of federalization of the country. Using the example of ambitious plans for the creation of the Kazakh-Bashkir Autonomy, the Turkic Soviet Republic, and the Central Asian Federation, the positions of key participants in Soviet transformations in the region, contradictions, the essence and features of discussions in the mid-1920s are analyzed. Attention is paid to the interaction of the center and representatives of the ethnoelites in the process of national-territorial demarcation, which ensured the construction of modern nations. It is concluded that Soviet federalism became a fundamental condition for the creation of post-Soviet Central Asian states, and the pragmatics of compromise in relations between the center and the ethno-elite as a mutual test ultimately ensured the formation of a stable type of political culture of power and society.

federalism, USSR, RSFSR, autonomy, ethnopolitical elite, nation-building
Источник финансирования
The article was prepared within the framework of the Program of scientific research on the ethnocultural diversity of Russian society and aimed at strengthening Russian identity, 2023—2025. The project “Critical analysis of the concept of neocolonialism in relation to the Soviet experience of national politics and ethnocultural development”.
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