British Experience of Keeping Prisoners of War in the Era of the Napoleonic Wars (1808—1812)
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British Experience of Keeping Prisoners of War in the Era of the Napoleonic Wars (1808—1812)
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Aleksander Orlov 
Affiliation: Moscow Pedagogical State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The 200th anniversary of the Napoleonic Wars and the Patriotic War of 1812 contributed to the publication of a large number of studies on French prisoners of war in Russia. There are separate works about Russian prisoners in France. British and American historians have written extensively about the French captured by the British. But Russian prisoners of war who ended up in England during the break in relations between the two countries and the Anglo-Russian war of 1807—1812 have not yet been discussed in detail in the domestic scientific literature. Nevertheless, the topic seems to be important for the history of Russia and Great Britain, and it can be studied on the basis of the analysis of unpublished documents from the Archive of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire (AVPRI).

Anglo-Russian war of 1807—1812, Russian prisoners of war in England in 1808—1812, priest of the Russian embassy church in England Ya. I. Smirnov (Reverend James Smirnove)
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