Objective and Subjective Difficulties in Implementation Lend-Lease Programs Towards the Soviet Union
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Objective and Subjective Difficulties in Implementation Lend-Lease Programs Towards the Soviet Union
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Irina Khruleva 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

Many questions regarding the implementation of the Lend-Lease program for the Soviet Union still, decades after the end of World War II, remain hotly debated. Without in any way detracting from the importance of American supplies under Lend-Lease for the Soviet Union, it should be noted that judging solely from the point of view of the quantitative and qualitative contribution of the allies in the fight against Nazi Germany — without taking into account the objective and subjective difficulties in implementing this program, without reference to a specific military and political context — do little to explain the reasons for the immediate post-war cooling in relations between the former allies of the anti-Hitler coalition. The personal position of F. D. Roosevelt, who constantly controlled supplies to the USSR under Lend-Lease, was of fundamental importance for the development of the program of assistance to the Soviet Union, but the openly selfish position of the American military prevented the establishment of interaction both in the first months of the war and subsequently. The main objective difficulty in implementing the Lend-Lease program was the organization of cargo delivery. There was an urgent need to modernize the infrastructure of both American and Soviet ports. The cargo received from the allies had to be delivered to the front — a considerable additional burden fell on the Soviet railways, which were already working at the limit of their capabilities. Supplies were repeatedly interrupted for military and political reasons. The schedule, nomenclature and timing of deliveries to the USSR under Lend-Lease were often disrupted; delays in the implementation of the Moscow Protocol were especially noticeable. Concerns of Western politicians, diplomats and military personnel regarding the possible uncontrolled strengthening of the Soviet Union due to the military successes of the Red Army also slowed down the implementation of the Lend-Lease program for the USSR. However, the history of Lend-Lease clearly shows that the fight against Nazism united a variety of countries and peoples who had completely different socio-political systems, mentality, traditions, and historical experience. Lend-Lease became an effective tool for mutual assistance among the allies. Despite all the difficulties in implementing the Lend-Lease program for the Soviet Union, the value, scale, and variety of military-economic assistance from the allies in the anti-Hitler coalition are obvious.

Lend-Lease, the anti-Hitler coalition, the Great Patriotic War, military and economic cooperation, the second front
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