On the Issue on Calcidius and His Texts
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On the Issue on Calcidius and His Texts
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Maya Petrova 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

This paper discusses the possibility of resolving main issues on Calcidius (the spelling and pronunciation of his name [Calcidius — C(h)alcidius], the period of author’s flourishing). Calcidius’ texts — a translation of part of Plato’s dialogue “Timaeus” (Plat. Tim. 17—53c), a commentary on the translated fragment (In Tim. 31c—53c), a Letter to Osius, which precedes the translation and commentary, — are under consideration. An integrated approach to considering the text of Calcidius is proposed. It is aimed — in addition to studying the content of Calcidius’ text and his Greek sources in a historical and philosophical context — at considering the historical situation that has developed in the area of the author’s intended activity; conducting a substantive, textual and terminological comparison of fragments of Calcidius’ “Commentary” with corresponding plots from the texts of Latin encyclopaedists-translators of Greek knowledge, close to him in time and genre (such as Macrobius and Martianus Capella), and Christian authors (among which Augustine and Isidore of Seville); attraction of a wide layer of evidence of a prosopographical nature. An attempt has been made to identify the general and special in the Latin terminology of Calcidius and Macrobius in their discussions of dreams.

Calcidius, “Commentary on Timaeus”, text, source, Plato, tradition, source, dream
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