The Political Message of Marshall McLuhan
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The Political Message of Marshall McLuhan
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Irina Aggeeva 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

Marshall McLuhan’s media theory and philosophy of history are considered as a political phenomenon of the 1950—1970s. His contribution to the development of political technologies, analysis of the influence of the media on democratic institutions, popularization of the Western supremacy in figurative, metaphorical, and cultural studies’ forms allow classifying the Canadian sociologist as a notable ideologist of the Cold War, along with propagandists of mass consumer society, mass culture and convergence. Choosing the communication criteria as the defining to the past and modern status of states, McLuhan rejected the dogmas of Marxism and considered the USSR to be a lagging country, despite the recognition of Soviet achievements in science and technology (Sputnik, space). He foresaw a “beyond-systems”, planetary future of the “global village” in the “era of electronics”, escape from bipolarity, a diverse and conflictual and at the same time general “electric” coexistence of countries beyond boundaries. McLuhan’s research of the negative effects of the media on mass consciousness and people’s behavior is less acknowledged than his predictions of the worldwide computer network. He supposed that the influence of the media on politics might increase to the extent when reality could be replaced by computer-generated and suggested responsible and preventive state regulation of the informational field.

Marshall McLuhan, mass media, philosophy of history, media, Cold War, “global village”, USSR
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This paper was prepared with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 20-18-00286П).
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