Delarivier Manly: Life and Work
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Delarivier Manly: Life and Work
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Elena Makarova 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

This paper examines the life and work of the English writer Delarivier Manly (с. 1670—1724). She managed to become widely known as a satirist who wrote on political topics. It is safe to consider her the first female journalist in English history to serve as a mouthpiece for the Tory political group. As a playwright, she owns four plays staged by London theaters. Her greatest fame as an author came from the best-selling “New Atalantia” and other “secret stories”, in which the political and personal, erotic and pathetic, real and fictional merged together.

Delarivier Manly, English political satire and journalism of the 18th century, political “secret Histories”, “New Atalantis”, “Rivella”, personality in history
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