Russia in the Political Ideology of the Prečani Serbs in the Second Half of the 19th Century
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Russia in the Political Ideology of the Prečani Serbs in the Second Half of the 19th Century
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Goran Vasin 
Affiliation: University of Novi Sad
Address: Serbia, Novi Sad

Russia played an important role in the political ideology of the Serbs in the Habsburg Monarchy,and this relationship was strengthened from the beginning of the eighteenth century, first through the Orthodox Church, and then through schools and the rise of the Serbian national idea. A large number of Serbian politicians in the Monarchy hoped for Russia's help in liberating them from the Ottomans, but also for protection from the growing pressure of the Monarchy in internal politics. From the writings of Svetozar Miletić, Polit Desančić and Jovan Subotić, we can conclude that the Serbian political elites were looking for ways to draw Russia's attention to the Serbs in the Monarchy and to the Serbian issue in general. With his texts, Svetozar Miletić especially drew the attention of the Russian public and the Serbs in the Monarchy to the future entanglement (conflict) of Russia with Germany. In their texts, Mihailo Polit Desančić and Jovan Subotić drew attention to Russian spirituality, Orthodoxy, Russian society and the need to reject the influence of Germany in Russia itself. In contrast to them, Jakov Ignjatović represented the views of Kalman Tisa's government, sharply criticising Russia's policy, and suggesting that Serbs turn to the monarchy.

liberals, Svetozar Miletić, Mihailo Polit Desančić, Russia, serbs in the Habsburg monarchy
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