Creating Enemy Image: Serbian Lands and Serbian Rulers in the Latin Treatise “Directorium ad Passagium Faciendum” (1332)
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Creating Enemy Image: Serbian Lands and Serbian Rulers in the Latin Treatise “Directorium ad Passagium Faciendum” (1332)
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Artem Maslov 
Affiliation: Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod
Address: Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod

The article considers the perception of the Serbian lands and the ruling Nemanjić dynasty by its Catholic author on the basis of the material of the anonymous Latin treatise “Directorium ad passagium faciendum” (1332), which contained the project of a new crusade to the Holy Land. The peculiarities of the coverage of the “Serbian theme” are emphasized, which clearly distinguish this treatise from another Latin work — “Anonymi Descriptio Europae Orientalis” (1308), which, like the “Directorium”, is an example of a broad anti-Orthodox and anti-Slavic propaganda conducted by representatives of the Catholic clergy in the late Middle Ages.

“Directorium ad passagium faciendum” (1332), “Anonymi Descriptio Europae Orientalis” (1308), crusades, Serbia, Nemanjić dynasty, catholic propaganda, imagology
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The article was supported by RSF, project 20-18-00374 “Imperial Mediterranean: Models, Discourses and Practices of Imperialism from Antiquity to Early Modern Period”.
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