Patriotism in the Discussion Field of Russian Emigration (1921—1940)
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Patriotism in the Discussion Field of Russian Emigration (1921—1940)
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Elena Mironova 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article traces the attitude of the statist part of the Russian emigration, primarily diplomats, to such concepts as the Motherland and patriotism. Their activities to protect the interests of the country in the conditions of the existence of the Soviet system in Russia are shown. Already in the early 1920s, without accepting either the new system or the policies of the Bolsheviks, they showed a willingness to cooperate with them in protecting the interests of the country in the international arena. In the mid-1930s, they openly declared that they consider the USSR to be Russia, and the Red Army to be the Russian army. Diplomats of the Russian Abroad fundamentally did not allow themselves and their compatriots the possibility of participating in foreign aggression against Russia.During the war years, one of the leading figures of the Council of Ambassadors — E. V. Sablin provided assistance to the Soviet embassy in London.The study leads to a refutation of the opinion expressed in historiography about the development of patriotic defencists primarily in the socialist wing of emigration.

Russia, Motherland, patriotism, diplomats, V. A. Maklakov, E. V. Sablin
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