Orphanages of the Empress Maria's Department in the Imperial Practice of Acculturation on the National Outskirts of the Russian Empire (on the Example of the Samarkand Region of the Turkestan Governor-General) in the Late 19th — Early 20th Century
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Orphanages of the Empress Maria's Department in the Imperial Practice of Acculturation on the National Outskirts of the Russian Empire (on the Example of the Samarkand Region of the Turkestan Governor-General) in the Late 19th — Early 20th Century
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Svetlana Brezhneva 
Affiliation: Pushkin Leningrad State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
Inomjon Mamadaliev
Affiliation: Khujand State University
Address: Tajikistan, Khujand

In the imperial practice of Russia in the Turkestan Governor-General, acculturation was envisaged, which presupposes the process of cultural interaction between the newcomer Russian and the local population. Due to the significant difference in the cultural characteristics of the peoples, the Russian Empire preferred to test its laws first on the Russian-speaking population of the governorate. This concerns issues of charity and the creation of orphanages. In the proposed article, based on archival material introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, the problems arising in the Samarkand regional guardianship and the Samarkand orphanage at the turn of the 19th — 20th century, concerning all aspects of children's lives, are considered.

Russian Empire, Turkestan Governor-General, acculturation, Samarkand regional guardianship, orphanage, upbringing and training, problems
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