Administrative Acculturation of the Indigenous Population of the Transcaspian Province in the Legislation of 1914
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Administrative Acculturation of the Indigenous Population of the Transcaspian Province in the Legislation of 1914
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Dmitry Vasilyev 
Affiliation: Moscow City University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article discusses the administrative acculturation of the indigenous population of the Turkestan Governorate General on the example of the Transcaspian Province. Based on the analysis of the set of documents of the Askhabad commission, which developed the draft Statute on the Administration of the Transcaspian Province in 1914, it is concluded that the provincial administration did not consider accelerating the adaptation of Turkmens to the status of the indigenous population of neighboring provinces of the region as their main task. It agreed on the need to continue to take into account local traditions of administrative and judicial power. Therefore, there is reason to believe that the acculturation of the indigenous inhabitants of Transcaspy occurred naturally as a result of the personal interest of individual Turkmens in integrating into Russian power or economic structures.

Transcaspian Province, acculturation, Turkmen, Turkestan Governorate General, administration policy, Local Authority, people's court, 1914, legislation, N. Kolmakov, A. Kuropatkin
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