Scientific Acculturation in Russian Turkestan: from Collecting Antiquities to the Practice of Scientific Research
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Scientific Acculturation in Russian Turkestan: from Collecting Antiquities to the Practice of Scientific Research
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Oksana Pugovkina 
Affiliation: National Center of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Address: Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Alexander Legostaev
Affiliation: Orenburg State Pedagogical University
Address: Russian Federation, Orenburg
Dmitry Shcherbakov
Affiliation: Orenburg State Pedagogical University
Address: Russian Federation, Orenburg

In this article an attempt is made to comprehend the possibilities of applying acculturation approaches to the description of the history of scientific work, scientific societies in Turkestan, as well as joint activities of Russian orientalists and local local historians — “antiquity lovers” in the study of history, archaeology, ethnography, numismatics, cultural heritage of the peoples of Central Asia in the late 19th — early 20th centuries. The article deals with how the traditions of collecting and gathering antiquities among the local population of Turkestan under the influence of the emerging socio-cultural and scientific environment, represented by Russian orientalists, gradually acquired its scientific form. In particular, this contributed to the involvement of local local historians in the scientific study of the region, their mastering of techniques and methods of scientific work with sources and archaeological artifacts, their participation in one of the first and significant scientific societies of Turkestan — Turkestan Circle of Amateurs of Archaeology (TKLA). Involvement of scientific literature and rethinking of archival sources allow us to trace how under the influence of Russian orientalists and “big science” the attitude of local local local historians to antiquities changed, and they came to realize the necessity of its study, careful preservation and the importance of preserving the cultural heritage of the peoples of Central Asia. At the same time, using acculturation approaches, one can see that communication and contacts between representatives of two different ethno-cultural and social groups had a great influence on each other, contributing to scientific and moral transformations. What moved local local historians when they participated in scientific activities? How significant was the influence of acculturation and do acculturation approaches to the history of Turkestan “work” in the study and development of this problem? Local local historians, cooperating with Russian orientalists in the socio-cultural field, contributed to laying the foundations of national archeology, establishment of archeological research, formation of the first numismatic and manuscript collections, provided invaluable assistance to Russian orientalists in the study of local topography, ethnography, history and culture of the peoples of Central Asia. Methodological basis of the study is the concept of acculturation.

Russian Turkestan, Russian Empire, national local historians, “collectors of antiquities”, local intelligentsia, scientific research, history, culture, Russian orientalists, intercultural exchange, acculturation
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