Student Unrest of 1861 in Saint Petersburg and Its Impact on Public Attitudes According to the Materials of Vladimir Chemezov's Diary
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Student Unrest of 1861 in Saint Petersburg and Its Impact on Public Attitudes According to the Materials of Vladimir Chemezov's Diary
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Aleksey Kuznetsov 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

Based on the gymnasium diary of Vladimir Ivanovich Chemezov, the article analyses the individual experience of perception of student unrest in St. Petersburg in the autumn of 1861, as well as the evolution of socio-political sentiments towards the actions of the authorities in that period. The student unrest of the autumn of 1861 in Russia has been widely covered in pre-revolutionary, Soviet and modern Russian historiography. They caused a lively response in society, many direct participants and witnesses left their memories about them. But even against this background, the point of view of a St. Petersburg gymnasium student on the events is unique and allows us to get a rare insight into the experiences, thoughts and emotions of a young man in a period of significant social upheaval. V. Chemezov's opinion about the student unrest is formed on the basis of contradictory sources of information: his own observations, stories of relatives, acquaintances and classmates, and the official press. In conditions of distrust to official statements, rumours have a significant impact on the formation of V. Chemezov's opinion about the actions of the authorities. The student unrest caused a significant impact in public sentiment, while the government's harsh response, including mass arrests, expulsions from universities and the use of military force, created dissatisfaction with the actions of the authorities and strengthened opposition sentiment. The unrest was a turning point for many young people who later took an active part in the revolutionary movement. V. Chemezov himself became a high-ranking official rather than a revolutionary, but his diary testifies to the rapid and radical changes in public sentiment and perception of the authorities in the turbulent years of 1861—1862 among the city dwellers.

student unrest, Russian Empire, great reforms, ego-documents, public attitudes
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