Formation of a New German Identity in the Context of Mediatization of the Political Environment
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Formation of a New German Identity in the Context of Mediatization of the Political Environment
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Tatiana Arzamanova 
Affiliation: Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The modern stage of the development of the information society carries with it certain associated risks, such as problems of digital security, digital inequality, significant updating and increasing influence of the information environment. In the context of the global information space, de facto turning into a global player, the excessive growth of the influence of the information environment leads to the mediatization of processes (including decision-making processes), and as a result, is able to have a significant impact on the political environment in a short time. The article attempts to analyze the current phenomenon of international relations as an example of such an impact, namely, Germany’s search for a new identity in the context of fundamental movements in the Euro-Atlantic coordinate system that have occurred over the past year. At the same time, special attention is paid to the fact that the revision of the central dogmas of German foreign and security policy, the process of forming a new identity take place in conditions when the data of representative studies clearly demonstrate the obvious unwillingness of German society to such large-scale changes, primarily at the mental level. The multi-vector analysis allows us to come to the following conclusion: the legitimization of the “remilitarization” of Germany occurs in conditions when a broad consensus has not yet been formed at the level of the decision-making system and civil society as a whole on the acceptability of such dynamics of advancing a new agenda. Thus, illustrating the determining external influence on political communications, including from the media environment as a “converter” (and not a repeater) of the internal impulses of the political system through manipulating the images created and forming new socially important meanings in the media space.

global information space, media, media environment, risks of digital society, mediatization, media images, mass media, culture of pacifism, European security, Germany, formation of a new German identity
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