“Without Moscow, Our Very Existence is Unthinkable”: the Pro-Russian-Oriented Public of the North-Western Territory and the Challenges of the Era of the Great Reforms in the Russian Empire in the 1860s
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“Without Moscow, Our Very Existence is Unthinkable”: the Pro-Russian-Oriented Public of the North-Western Territory and the Challenges of the Era of the Great Reforms in the Russian Empire in the 1860s
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Oksana Zavyalova 
Affiliation: Southern Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don

Based on the involvement of a wide range of archival materials, including those introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, the article examines the views of representatives of the pro-Russian-oriented public of the North-Western Territory on the problems of the development of the Russian Empire and the outlying region in the 1860—1870s. Particular attention is paid to identifying forms of power-public communication in the context of the development by local intellectuals of “answers” to the challenges of the era of the Great Reforms associated with the process of modernization and the implementation of an integration policy in relation to the western regions of the empire. An analysis of archival sources of personal origin — letters and notes of regional loyalists, made it possible to identify two main sociocultural “types” represented among the local intellectual elite loyal to the Russian authorities, who took a pro-Russian position, but shared fundamentally different socio-political views and attitudes that influenced them. positioning in the public sphere of the Russian Empire. It is concluded that the regional loyalists of the North-Western Territory were distinguished by their desire to join the general process of discussing topical issues of modernizing the country and develop a set of measures aimed at carrying out transformations in the western outskirts, taking into account local ethno-cultural specifics.

Russian Empire, Alexander II, Northwestern Territory, pro-Russian public, Great Reforms, modernization
Источник финансирования
This article has been prepared with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation (Project No. 22-78-00080 "Current Problems of the Development of the Russian Empire in the Views of the Pro-Russian public of Northwestern Krai in the 1850s — 1870s").
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