The Austro-Prussian-Danish War of 1864 in the Context of Prussian-Russian Relations
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The Austro-Prussian-Danish War of 1864 in the Context of Prussian-Russian Relations
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Vasiliy Dudarev 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The Schleswig-Holstein question, tangled by centuries of diplomatic confrontation between Denmark, German states and several ducal families, came out of the silence of chanceries and archives in the 19th century and resounded loudly throughout Europe in 1864 in the armed confrontation between Austria, Prussia and Denmark. The escalation of the conflict involved all the great powers that pursued their national interests in the development of this confrontation. The relevance of the work lies in the study of Prussian-Russian relations during the war, which remained in the shadow of domestic and foreign historiography. The novelty of the work is due to the fact that the research is based on the study of materials from three archives of Russia and Germany, which have not been introduced into scientific circulation before, in conjunction with four Russian and German periodicals and already published documents, which in this aspect have not been previously analysed, and therefore retain a high research resource. The aim of the work is to assess the potential of Prussian-Russian relations during the war of 1864, and the tasks are to analyse this problem against the background of the fate of the London Protocols of 1850—1852, the integrity of the Danish kingdom, and the determination of the status of Schleswig and Holstein. The military campaign launched by Berlin against Denmark in order to restore the London Protocols and the rights of the German population of Schleswig and Holstein led to the cancellation of the previously concluded treaties concerning the duchies. Behind the artificially maintained confrontation between the two pretenders to the ducal throne, Bismarck played his own game in favour of annexing the duchies to Prussia. In this way he had to make great efforts to ensure that in this matter neutrality was preserved by St. Petersburg, whose position he paid the greatest attention to. However, documents show that Russia pursued its own national interests in solving the question of the disputed duchies.

Otto von Bismarck, Alexander II, A. M. Gorchakov, Prussia, Denmark, Schleswig, Holstein
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