Reviewers of “The Edinburgh Review” in the First Third of the 19th Century: Touches to a Collective Portrait
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Reviewers of “The Edinburgh Review” in the First Third of the 19th Century: Touches to a Collective Portrait
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Vladimir Eremin 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

In 1802, the first issue of the literary and critical magazine “The Edinburgh Review” was published. Detailed anonymous reviews quickly gained popularity among the reading public and provoked the appearance of similar reviews. At the same time, statesmen, scientists, writers and publicists were behind the publications. The founders of the new magazine were young Edinburgh lawyers F. Jeffrey, F. Horner, H. Brougham and the Anglican priest S. Smith. Most of the reviewers were Scots who studied at local universities, where their teachers were often prominent representatives of the Scottish Enlightenment. They attended scientific societies and clubs, sympathized with the Whigs, and pursued careers in law, politics, universities, and literature. Many were well acquainted with representatives of the political establishment, and some, like S. Smith, even had family ties with them. The reviewers were united by the bonds of long-term friendship, often common views on socio-political processes, as well as participation in various joint ventures in addition to book criticism. Although this did not cancel out possible disagreements, which, however, did not make the critics sworn enemies. These circumstances make it possible to see in the group of authors a kind of community, which is based on similar ideas and numerous social connections, in addition to the formal writing of reviews. The common features in the biographies of the founders of the review and its authors allow us to take a broader look at the social, political and cultural processes in Great Britain at the end of the 18th — first third of the 19th centuries.

the history of Great Britain, the history of Scotland, the Scottish Enlightenment, the Edinburgh Review, prosopography
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