“About Withdrawal From USSR Citizenship of Former Polish Citizens of Polish and Jewish Nationality”: 1945—1946 (on the Example of the Kostanay Region of the Kazakh SSR)
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“About Withdrawal From USSR Citizenship of Former Polish Citizens of Polish and Jewish Nationality”: 1945—1946 (on the Example of the Kostanay Region of the Kazakh SSR)
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Anna Borisova 
Affiliation: Baitursynov Qostanai Regional University
Address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Qostanai
Dmitry Legkiy
Affiliation: Baitursynov Qostanai Regional University
Address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Qostanai

This article reveals the ambiguous process of forced acceptance and voluntary withdrawal from the citizenship of the USSR of persons of Polish and Jewish nationalities, former Polish citizens and members of their families deported at the beginning of World War II and re-evacuated to Poland in the post-war period (on the example of the Kustanai region of the Kazakh SSR). The article introduces declassified documents of Soviet and party organizations at the union, republican and regional levels into scientific circulation, which made it possible to elucidate in detail the essence of the issue under study. The authors draw attention to the fact that historical researches mainly covers the history of the deportation of peoples on the eve and at the beginning of World War II, and the evacuation of the population during the Great Patriotic War. But, at the same time, such a scientific problem as the re-evacuation of foreign citizens from the USSR to the territory of European countries in 1945—1946 is of no less interest. Using the example of the Mendygarinsky orphanage in the Kustanai region (including a full list of Polish students) the article pays special attention to the fate of the children of Polish citizens and gives the exact numbers of Polish children left without parents, placed in orphanages and sent to Poland in an organized manner in 1946. The article provides a detailed analysis of the process of re-evacuation of Polish citizens, which was carried out at a high state level, including the method of directives.

World War II, Jews, Kazakh SSR, Poles, re-evacuation
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