Modern Scientific, Technological, and Innovation Policy of Japan: An International Vector on the Example of Russia and ASEAN Countries
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Modern Scientific, Technological, and Innovation Policy of Japan: An International Vector on the Example of Russia and ASEAN Countries
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Yana Mishchenko 
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Institute of China and Modern Asia RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is devoted to the study of the formation and development of Japan's technological policy since the second half of the 20th century. The article shows that initially, the factor of international relations played an important role in Japanese technological policy, since for several decades it was entirely based on the strategy of foreign borrowing. At the same time, Japan carefully studied and often improved technologies borrowed from the USA and Western European countries, developing its own R&D base. Gradually, the country was able to build its own progressive scientific and technical potential and begin technological exports. International cooperation, but no longer in the form of imports but in the form of technology exports, continues to play a crucial role in Japan's innovation policy and diplomacy. As an example, some parameters of Japan's modern technological cooperation with the ASEAN states and Russia are considered. The study shows that, unlike some ASEAN countries, Russia has not been and is not a recipient of technical assistance from Japan within the framework of state official development assistance programs. In addition, the volume of Japanese technological exports to Russia is small and does not meet the interests of the Russian Federation in this aspect. The most successfully developing ASEAN countries receive significant volumes of technological exports from Japan in value terms, but they themselves, except Singapore, do not occupy a niche as technology suppliers to Japan.

Japan, innovation, technoglobalism, technology, innovation, Society 5.0, Russia, ASEAN
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