Arab States of North Africa: from the Ottoman Empire to the Colonial Empires of Modern Times
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Arab States of North Africa: from the Ottoman Empire to the Colonial Empires of Modern Times
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Nikolai Diakov 
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
Tamara Ryzhenkova
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

The modern history of the Northern Africa (Egypt and the Maghreb) was marked with the progress in transformation of the local social and political institutions with at the same a vast expansion of the Ottoman Porte and later of the West European powers. The Arab Maghreb which firstly became an object of the European aggression from Spain and Portugal in the 15th — 16th CC. later joined the Ottoman Empire together with Egypt. Morocco, however, managed to save its formal independence until the very beginning of the 20th C.A.D. With the European expansion in the 19th C. the Northern Africa turned into a field of colonial experiments: from the direct military occupation to the assimilation politics of the French departments in Algeria, with a later introducing the protectorate regimes in Tunisia and Morocco and transforming Egypt into a zone of strategic communications between the Great Britain and its colonies in Arabia and India. The civilization interaction within the Northern Africa during the colonial epoch brought to light, both in Europe and Russia, a numerous academic historiography, defining main trends in studying modern history of Egypt and the Maghreb area — the most important crossroads of the historical contacts between the peoples and cultures of the Orient and the Occident.

North Africa, Egypt, Maghreb, Ottoman conquest, European colonization, East—West, civilizational contacts, historiography, Oriental, Islamic studies
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