New Turkey and Soviet Russia: First Contacts (Historical Perspective)
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New Turkey and Soviet Russia: First Contacts (Historical Perspective)
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Aleksander Kolesnikov 
Affiliation: St. Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

The first years of the establishment of the Republic of Turkey remain in the focus of attention of both Turkish and Russian historians. The introduction of new documents into circulation makes it possible to reveal in more detail some well-known and little-known aspects of the first contacts between the new Turkey and Soviet Russia. Special attention is paid to the issues related to the signing of the Moscow Treaty of 1921, which has served as a solid basis for cooperation between the two countries to this day. Aspects of the relationship between some communist leaders in Russia and the leaders of the Young Turk movement are also noteworthy. In addition, it is of interest to analyze the views of the leaders of the Soviet state regarding the prospects for cooperation between Soviet Russia and the new Turkey.

Türkiye, Ataturk, USSR, Moscow Treaty, Transcaucasia
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