Urbanization of the Protest and Colonial Control in the British Empire during the Interbellum
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Urbanization of the Protest and Colonial Control in the British Empire during the Interbellum
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Stanislav Malkin 
Affiliation: Samara State University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Samara

The Interbellum era passed under the sign of competition between supporters of various models of colonial order, due to the growth of rebel activity in the British Empire after the Great War. Discussions on this issue reflected theoretical and doctrinal contradictions, as well as the rivalry of the security services and disputes between the military and civilian authorities over the boundaries of their responsibility in these conditions. The article analyzes changes in the military’s approaches to determining the parameters for ensuring internal security in the British Empire after the Great War due to budget restrictions and new challenges to colonial rule (nationalism, communism and pan-Islamism). The focus of the study is the attitude of the military to the phenomenon of rapid urbanization of anticolonial protest against the background of disagreements between the authorities over the choice of a military-political course for resolving conflicts of this kind in the interwar period. Particular attention is paid to the problem of understanding the guerrilla of “developed” peoples and the peculiarities of armed underground struggle in the urban environment. This perspective of the study made it possible to raise in a new way the question not only of the role of the army in the modernization of management practices at the final stage of the development of the British imperial project. Institutional features of self-perception of this security service in the context of the increasing importance of military force and the simultaneous reduction of the possibility of using other levers of influence on the preservation of the metropolis’ power over the colonies and other dependent territories are also considered in this article.

urbanization of the protest, colonial control, British Empire, Interbellum, colonial counterinsurgency
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