“Turkized Officers”: Personal Dimension of Inter-Imperial Coalition Coperation
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“Turkized Officers”: Personal Dimension of Inter-Imperial Coalition Coperation
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Leonty Lannik 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

German military missions in the Ottoman Empire had a strategic effect on international relations before 1914 and especially on the course of the Great War. Despite the huge amount of literature on relevant issues, there is still a need for additional sources. This is caused by the formulation of new research problems, the definite necessity to rethink the assessments and opinions that have developed and are uncritically translated from number of memoirs. The specifics of interethnic interaction dictate the importance of taking into account subjective factors, the evaluation of the successes and failures of the coalition warfare of the Central Powers cannot be based exclusively on statistics. Based on a significant amount of unpublished materials of personal origin, it is possible to reconstruct a detailed picture of the problems and prospects of German-Ottoman interaction related to the daily history of the military elites of both countries and the peculiarities of decision-making that determined the fate of not only Turkey and Germany, but also the rest of the key participants in the First World War to a much greater extent than is commonly believed.

The Ottoman Empire, the German Empire, cross-national history, military elites, coalition warfare, the Great War
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