Askari, Arabs, and Africans of Tanganyika: Colonial Times through the Eyes of German Photographers and Illustrators
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Askari, Arabs, and Africans of Tanganyika: Colonial Times through the Eyes of German Photographers and Illustrators
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Anastasia Banschikova 
Affiliation: Institute for African Studies RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article deals with the representation of local population of German East Africa (in regards of its main part which later formed British Tanganyika) on the photographs, book illustrations, and postcards published by German editors and photographers. These images reflect German colonial discourse in relation to specific circumstances of East Africa, where Germany was for centuries preceded by other “foreign colonizers”, namely the Arabs. On the one hand, these images constitute a valuable source for the study of history and ethnography of East Africa, on the other hand, they reflect “visual colonization” of subjugated territory and its hierarchies. We have before us a visual history of the “colonial period” that allows us to better understand this historical era as a distinct segment of the historical process.

German East Africa, Tanganyika, colonial photography, askari, Arab population of GEA
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The study was supported by a grant № 22-28-00734 from the Russian Science Foundation.
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1. Banschikova A. A. Bagamojo imperskoe i nastoyaschee: izobrazhenie pervoj stolitsy Germanskoj Vostochnoj Afriki v kolonial'nykh otkrytkakh i v avtorskoj fotografii Val'tera Dobbertina // Uchenye zapiski Instituta Afriki RAN. 2022. № 2 (59). S. 96—111.

2. Banschikova A. Visual Colonization: Scenes, Objects, and Main Content of Postcards from German East Africa // ISTORIYA. 2021. Vol. 12. Is. 12 (110). P. 1. URL: DOI: 10.18254/S207987840014801-0

3. Banshchikova A. A. Visual Colonization: Social Hierarchies in Postcards, Photographs and Sketches of German East Africa // Social Evolution and History. 2022. Vol. 21 (2). P. 106—134.

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