An Unpublished Minor Byzantine Chronicle “From Caesar to Michael VIII Palaiologos” (From Manuscript Paris. gr. 1788 of the Early 14th Century)
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An Unpublished Minor Byzantine Chronicle “From Caesar to Michael VIII Palaiologos” (From Manuscript Paris. gr. 1788 of the Early 14th Century)
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Marina Kurysheva 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article gives the description and analysis of an anonymous small Byzantine chronicle from the manuscript Paris. gr. 1788 of the early 14th century. This chronicle covers the period from the reign of the Roman emperor Gaius Julius Caesar to the Roman emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos. It covers the events from 48 B. C. to 11 December 1282 A. D. This time span is conditioned by the idea of the continuous existence of the Roman state from its first emperor up to the iconic figure of the founder of the Palaiologan dynasty and the restorer of the Roman Empire. The chronicle was created shortly after 1282. It can be assumed that the text from the manuscript Paris, gr. 1788 is the copy from its original.

Byzantine chronicles, Byzantine historiography, Michael VIII Palaiologos, small Byzantine chronicle, 14th century manuscripts
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