Dynamics of Economic Relations between Germany and the USSR 1969—1974: Main Directions, Achievements and Problems
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Dynamics of Economic Relations between Germany and the USSR 1969—1974: Main Directions, Achievements and Problems
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Alexey Sorokin 
Affiliation: Dostoevsky Omsk State University
Address: Russian Federation, Omsk

The growth of economic cooperation became a significant component of the improvement of relations between the Soviet Union and Germany during the reign of Willy Brandt (1969—1974). The article examines the contractual basis of bilateral economic relations (gas-pipe deal of 1970, Moscow Treaty of 1970, trade agreement of 1972, agreement on the development of industrial and technical cooperation of 1973). The structure of trade turnover is determined, that is, the content of exports and imports of counterparties (what they traded). The most important economic projects and transactions are also considered, both successfully implemented and unrealized for various reasons. An analysis is carried out of the main problems and limiting factors that hampered the development of economic relations between West Germany and the USSR during this period.

USSR, West Germany, economic relations, trade, detente
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