Identification of Cognitive Models of Manipulation in the US Media Discourse in the 30s of the 20th Century
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Identification of Cognitive Models of Manipulation in the US Media Discourse in the 30s of the 20th Century
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Vera Zabotkina 
Affiliation: Russian State University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Elena Pozdnyakova
Affiliation: MGIMO University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

Interdisciplinary cognitive research is a characteristic feature of the 21st century. This article discusses the ways of integrating the methodologies of history and cognitive linguistics. The objective for the representatives of both sciences is to explore the laws of thinking, mental models, and knowledge structures. Recordings of the radio program “The American Family Robinson”, released in the United States during the Great Depression, served as a historical source. The broadcasting series are considered in the article from the standpoint of their manipulative impact on the mass consciousness of the population. The method of integrated research is frame analysis. Within the framework of cognitive methodology, the concept of a single space of manipulation has been developed, and frame configurations have been identified. The results contribute to manipulation studies and cognitive distortion research.

integrated methodology, frame analysis, Roosevelt's New Deal, “American Family Robinson” radio series, manipulation, cognitive distortion
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