Sol y Luna: An Intellectual Publication of Argentine Catholic Nationalists in 1938—1943
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Sol y Luna: An Intellectual Publication of Argentine Catholic Nationalists in 1938—1943
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Alexandr Glazov 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is devoted to the history of Sol y Luna, an intellectual journal, which was published in Buenos Aires in the period from 1938 to 1943. The publication was an organ of Argentine Catholic nationalists, covering and analyzing issues of culture, philosophy and art, various aspects of intellectual and spiritual life in Argentina and Iberian America as a whole. The author of this article has studied the composition of the editorial and writing teams of the journal, as well as the peculiarities of its functioning, the structure and content of its issues. Much attention was paid to the clarification of the ideological orientation of Sol y Luna. It is shown that the ideology of the publication was based on the concept of “Hispanidad”, anti-modernism and the vision of a special, messianic role of the Francoist regime in the history of Spain and Latin America of the 20th century.

Iberian America, Latin America, Argentina, Spain, right-wing nationalism, Hispanidad, anti-modernism, Catholic integralism, Francoism
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