The Right Political Thought of José Vasconcelos and Their Influence on the Transformation of the Image of the Mexican Intellectual
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The Right Political Thought of José Vasconcelos and Their Influence on the Transformation of the Image of the Mexican Intellectual
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Irina Veselova 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The object of the article is the right-wing views of the Mexican politician and intellectual J. Vasconcelos. On the basis of historiographical analysis and by referring to public sources the author attempts to identify the reasons for the revaluation of his figure in modern historiography and in the field of public history on the basis of academic studies of his right-wing views. The “dark” moment of J. Vasconcelos’s biography, which researchers for several reasons have long avoided, is his participation in the publication of the magazine Timón (1940) with the support of representatives of Nazi Germany. Due to the fact that historians have turned to the topic of pro-Nazi sympathies and anti-Semitic views of the Mexican thinker, the figure of J. Vasconcelos. Vasconcelos, which over the years became one of the unshakable symbols of the Mexican intellectual community of the first half of the twentieth century, has undergone a significant reassessment both in modern historiography and in the public sphere.

Vasconcelos, Timón Magazine, Mexico, right-wing views, anti-Semitism, nationalism
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