Cardenas, Lombardo Toledano and the PCM: the Comintern and Conflicts in Mexico in 1930s
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Cardenas, Lombardo Toledano and the PCM: the Comintern and Conflicts in Mexico in 1930s
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Victor Jeifets 
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

The article examines the interaction and conflicts between the Government of Mexico (represented by President L. Cardenas), the Communist Party, business and social groups and various factions of the labor movement. The analysis is carried out in the context of the influence of the Communist International on its Mexican section. The author shows the evolution of Moscow’s and the Communist Party’s perception of the events in Mexico and demonstrates the role of the Third International and the Profintern in changing the tactics of the Communists, demonstrates a number of consequences of the implementation of the new line.

unity of the labor movement; labor conflicts; Comintern; trade unions; Soviet Union
Источник финансирования
The study is funded by the Russian Science Foundation, grant No. 19-18-00305, “The Comintern in Latin America: historical traditions and political processes”.
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