Specifics of the Russian Consular Service in the Ottoman Empire in the Last Quarter of the 18th — Early 20th Centuries
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Specifics of the Russian Consular Service in the Ottoman Empire in the Last Quarter of the 18th — Early 20th Centuries
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Olga Petrunina 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The specifics of the activities of Russian consular institutions in the Ottoman Empire were studied in historiography using the examples of particular consuls in certain historical periods. The article attempts to trace the general patterns throughout the entire period of the functioning of the Russian consulates in the Empire — from the era of their appearance until the First World War. The archival and published documents related to the activities of the consulates show that the specifics of their work in the Ottoman Empire were largely determined by the peculiarities of the Empire itself: a state-legal system different from the European one, Islam as the state religion while maintaining many confessions among the population, multi-ethnicity, and the unequal nature of relations with European countries. In adapting to these conditions, the Russian consular service initially relied heavily on the French experience, while at the same time taking advantage of the presence in the country of a significant Orthodox population. The shortage of its own qualified diplomats had to be filled by hiring foreigners. The number of consular offices and their workload have increased over time, and the qualifications of the staff have improved. Throughout the period, the consuls solved not only commercial, but also political problems.

the Ottoman Empire, Consular Service, History of Diplomacy, Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire, Russian-Turkish Relations
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