Everyday Life and the Protocol during the Change of Ambassadors: Esterházy and Mercy d’Argenteau in Saint Petersburg in 1761
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Everyday Life and the Protocol during the Change of Ambassadors: Esterházy and Mercy d’Argenteau in Saint Petersburg in 1761
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Olga Havanova 
Affiliation: Institute for Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

This article deals with a particular case of the change of the ambassador in St. Petersburg as exemplified by the recall of Count Nikolaus Esterházy and the appointment of Count Florimund Mercy d’Argenteau in the summer of 1761. Based on reports and correspondence with the Austrian State Chancellery, it shows how the departure of one and arrival of the other were prepared, what reasons were behind the delay in scheduling an audience and how the two diplomats spent their time in enforced suspense. By comparing the careers, conclusions are drawn about the principles of personnel policy at the Viennese court.

ambassador’s audience, protocol, diplomatic correspondence
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