Vologist Elder and Cleaner in the Social Space of a Post-Reform Village (Based on Materials from the Smolensk Province)
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Vologist Elder and Cleaner in the Social Space of a Post-Reform Village (Based on Materials from the Smolensk Province)
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Gleb Krivchenkov 
Affiliation: Smolensk State University
Address: Russian Federation, Smolensk

This article examines the status of officials of secular self-government in the social space of the Smolensk village in the post-reform period. The main attention is paid to the activities of volost elders and clerks in the structure of the class administration of peasants and the attitude of community members towards them. Typical offenses committed by volost officials are shown. Due to low salaries, clerks and elders often squandered worldly sums that were collected by rural communities to pay state taxes and redemption payments. In the eyes of the peasants, volost clerks had a predominantly negative reputation. The fact is that most of the clerks did not belong to the peasant class and used their official position for selfish purposes. The author comes to the conclusion that the negative reputation of officials of secular self-government was due to their low salaries and poor level of professional training in solving administrative and economic issues of the peasant community in the second half of the 19th century.

secular self-government, volost government, volost foreman, volost clerk, peasant community, post-reform period, secular sums
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